
General Climate (Formerly UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (DEDS) 'Indicators' for Asia-Pacific region.)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

the end is nigh!

Hello everyone!

I'm afraid I didn't have time to thoroughly re-read the third draft of the Asia-Pacific DESD Indicators Guidelines. I did take a cursory look and all looked well to me. I guess we've spent something like 6 months or so on this project now? I hope its of some use to people.

Right now, it is available for public comment. I'm sorry I didn't publicise this here earlier. You have until March 16th 2007 though!

I also didn't have time to contribute to a Glossary but I do think its a very good idea.

I presume other regions around Our Planet Earth are going through similar exercises? I hope so.

I understand one can quite readily critique such (extrinsic) goal-driven behaviours but personally I'm hoping that by pursuing a rather participative process we came up with something applicable. If not then let us know!

Best wishes,
